DocumentationπŸš€ Get Started

Get Started


You need the following things to start building your SaaS product and deploy it.


  1. Clone the repository git clone <my-app>
  2. Remove origin - git remote remove origin
  3. Set your git remote origin git remote add origin
  4. Set upstream remote origin git remote add upstream
  5. When you want to fetch kit updates - git fetch upstream, then git merge upstream/main and resolve conflicts [optional]
  6. Run npm install --legacy-peer-deps to install the dependencies
  7. Run npm run dev to start the development server
  8. Push the changes to the git repository


It is recommended to use Vercel to host your project. It is pretty simple to set it up.

  1. Create a new project on Vercel
  2. Browse and select the project you from your git platform, for example GitHub
  3. Copy paste the environment variables from the .env file and fill with production values
  4. Click on the Deploy button

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